Am I to believe that ‘Dead is the New Black’…? Is killing black people the new ‘craze’ (pun
intended)? Living in this country as a black person will surely have you
feeling that way sometimes. Maybe I need to change my race and become
‘TransArmenian’ or something so I don’t become a hashtag one day. I know… what
a terrible thing to say, but when terror becomes truth should we not call it
what it is? So I’m calling a few things out.
The Shooter
I will not say his name, he is nothing more than his action to me, but
members of the KKK who sit on court benches and government and law enforcement
must be immensely proud. One of their soldiers did his duty willfully and
proudly and for that, he will be rewarded (its
already happened if you just look more closely). Most black people know there
will be probably be no real jail time. We know that there is no such thing as
justice or ‘due process’ (especially in the good ol’ boy club of South
Carolina). We’re already mentally preparing ourselves from snapping when he
will simply be 'treated' for his 'mental illness' (which one of the Klan’s court appointed psychiatrists will sign off of
on). We know these things because
this has been our reality.
lot of people were in outrage with how the shooter of The Emmanuel African
Methodist Church was handled during his apprehension. Personally, I was mad that he was apprehended at all. It would have
brought a special joy to my soul to hear reports of how he was found dead
laying in a pool of his own blood. Because then, I wouldn’t have to watch the
bullshit ass ‘Wag the Dog’ style spin on ‘mental illness’ that will ensue and be propagated by the
media. You know, cause only angry
murderous white boys suffer from mental illness, no one else.
the truth is, he did not receive special treatment. He received a Hero’s
welcome and it was done in plain sight. Follow me for a moment:
He was not being manhandled or called
out of his name for murdering 9 people, instead body language to me almost looked
like the hint of a pat on the back
I wonder what sweet consolations and
‘don’t worry kiddo, you’ll get through this’ was whispered into his ear
By putting the bulletproof vest on him,
they were not concerned for his safety (they knew he would not be harmed,
because if a black person did pull out a gun in retaliation, they would be
riddled with bullets). My guess is they
were probably covering up something incriminating that might have been on his
shirt (strengthening that defense)
While all the of American flags at state building and institutions in SC were flown at
half-staff for the slain victims, the Confederate Flag which is STILL flown at
the State House of South Carolina (a
government institution mind you) was still high in the sky. This was because it was a day of honor and celebration for those who respect that flag. That spoke more loudly than anything anyone could ever say.
I wouldn’t even be surprised if he was
instructed to get high by his chain of command (because please believe he is not acting independently,) so that
the drugs use would show up (building the
The time, date, and location of this heinous act was calculated,
planned and methodical. This is and was clearly a hate crime and I don’t even
know why there are still some people who refuse to grasp this concept. Funny
how racists know our history better than us:
· This was Denmark Vesey’s Church
· This church was a historic landmark
· There was a Senator there as well as pillars of the community (this
was not random)
· It was the 193rd Anniversary of a planned slave revolt
· The day before many Juneteenth celebrations commemorating slaves being
aware of their freedom and walking off of plantations in droves
You can
research more yourself
The Media
Fuck you. No like seriously, Fuck you. Fuck you for the misreporting.
Fuck you for the under-reporting. Fuck you for the slanted negative implications
you always seem to impose upon us. Fuck
you for the unfounded justifications you give to those who commit crimes
against us. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you… and yes, Don Lemon, that lady was
correct ‘You ARE an Uncle Tom’.
There is a reason why the Klan remains hooded, Why Navy seals do not
announce themselves, and why in war ambush is one of the best strategies.
Covert operations always yield the most effective results and black people need
to start grasping that concept. We do need to act, but we don’t need to
publicly announce every move and plan we make. That wasn’t how slaves were able
to run away and it won’t be how we bring about change. We don’t need to put our
most valued fighters and organizers on the world’s stage (because there is a
history of them being killed). Just secure your home (in the same 2nd
amendment manner as ‘others’) and be prepared to protect yourself if need be
(as is your legal right).
Prayer is great on the micro and personal level, but just like you
can’t pray away mental illness, you cannot pray away the hate someone else
feels towards you. It’s no different
than being angry at someone who isn’t even thinking about you. It’s not
affecting them. Pray is vital, but it is not the resolution to everything. If my son's say's 'Mom, I'm hungry, is dinner ready', I can't go tell him to pray away the hunger. That's not how this works. All those times we’ve jumped to defending those who hate us
have gotten us where? Think about that black woman who shielded the Klansman at
that rally a few years back, who was about to have his ass handed to him by a
group of people, guess what?… He still fucking hates black people and is more
than likely still very active in his homegrown terrorist activities. Stockholm Syndrome at its finest. Fuck that. Pray, but protect yourself, your family, and your interests.
The Great
White Hype
I have white friends who have no problem with my anger and uproar on
black issues because they are just as upset. Which everyone should be at the incessant
crimes, murders, and violations against humanity
(specifically black people) in the form of institutional racism supported
by ideologies of white supremacy.
However, my frustration is with the many white people who
intrinsically see, know, and agree that this shit is wrong, but continuously remain silent. Those who felt broken, confused, ashamed, and helpless when 9
black people were shot in a church yesterday. Those who are still in disbelief
at all the slain black people who should have been apprehended instead of
killed, but would rather just not ‘get involved’. Hell, there are white people in this country who express more
sympathy, rage, and public outcry over abused and homeless DOGS and CATS than they
do for dead black people. To me, that in itself, is an indicator of mental illness.