Every now and then a friend, family member, Soror, elder, or associate
will say to me, ' We love what you say and do, but can you do it without
all the bad words?'. To that, I politely decline.
I understand that some people are offended by the language that I use.
Many feel that I can say the same things without certain adjectives. I
fully understand that the language I use may not appeal to some of my
peers and older generations. I also understand that everyone won't be
able to digest my thoughts and delivery and that is okay.
What tickles me the most is when people say 'only ignorant or
unintelligent people swear because they have a limited vocabulary (or
can't think of a better way to say something)'.
*insert hysterical laughter* Yeah... OKAY! I probably have higher 'vocab equity'
and a better command of the English language than half of the people who
feel that way.
Now please understand, if I am at your family dinner I am not going to
be in your grandmother's face spewing all kinds of vulgarities and
epithets. Absolutely not. By profession, I am charged with the responsibility to write in various
capacities and styles. I do understand discernment and the importance of following mandated
guidelines of whatever entity I am writing for (be it proposals to
foundations or articles for various publications). However, I will not censor my personal writing for anyone's comfort.
My words are my tools, they are chosen strategically and for a reason.
You can't use foam to hammer a nail, just like you can't use the wrong
words to drive certain points home. So people will not only understand,
but FEEL what I'm saying by the tools ( in this case adjectives) that I
use. And sometimes yelling 'FUCK' is the healthiest alternative to punching another human being in the face (because I hear that is frowned upon).
My face (when people ask me not to use certain language) |
Also, Let us not forget that if I were a man no one would tell me I
swear too much or to 'watch my mouth'. I guess my feminine brain didn't
get the memo, and since it's too late for me to grow a penis and be a
man, I'll just have to be a woman who swears.
Sometimes never, sometimes every other word. Sometimes online, sometimes
in real life. I'm okay with not being who and what everyone wants to
associate with because of how I communicate my thoughts and ideas.
The truth is, these are not polite times. If my words make people uncomfortable then good. That is what they are
supposed to do. They are needed to jar people out of the comfort of not
caring about what is going on in the world around us. They are fearless.
They evoke emotion, passion, sincerity, and an authentic tongue. This
country has become so pussified. No one wants to call things what they
are and it is tiring. I am not here for minimizing the atrocities going
on in the world by softening how we describe them. I am not here for
making ugly things sound pretty... Not at all.
Sometimes the swear words are needed
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