Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jungle Fevered

Because apparently Black women only behave when they are with white men...

Click here to View the actual video
A very dear friend asked me to watch this video and to list my top 10 thoughts on it. Now usually I stay out of certain discussions simply because it's neither black or white (pun intended), but curiosity got the best of me and I watched it.
So while I am going to do my best to not be irrational or judgmental, I am going to offer my perspective.

Here it goes:

1. I know many black women who are loving, affectionate, and respectful with their partners. So this comes off as a bit biased.

2. Unfortunately, a lot of black men are often encouraged by society, music, media, friends, and sometimes family to be promiscuous, be a player, not just have one woman, not marry, and not commit to the woman (or women) he has children with. A lot of this has affected interpersonal relationships within the black community, but this is not everyone.

3. On the opposite end, many white men are taught and see monogamy as valuable once they find a good partner.

4. There are many instances when black women have been submissive, loyal, loving, and respectful to their black partners only to be repeatedly disrespected, cheated on, lied to, abandoned, and or abused by the men they have chosen, so instead of choosing better they write off their race ( men do this as well).

5. It's not about black and white, but more so about hurt. People gravitate towards who they feel will hurt them the least. In some instances, interracial relationships can be a 'safe place' for both parties involved based off of how they may have been treated by their own. This is not limited to just relationships but overall experiences. If a man or woman is constantly told 'you're ugly and no one wants you' by their own people, its not hard to see why they might be attracted to the person of a different race who exclaims how 'beautiful' they find them.

6. Sometimes... It's just a matter of who you fell in love with. Nothing more. 

7. I actually have many examples of healthy happy black couples in my life as well as interracial ones so I kinda think this video is bullshit. I've seen some spitfire ass white women going to town and emasculating their men as well. It's just no one makes a big deal about it or makes it their 'thing'. No one is out here perpetuating the ideology of 'The Angry White Woman'. 

8. Now, if we are going to sing the 'Angry Black Woman' mantra, why do we never want to address the 'why'? How A LOT of why our sisters are the way they are goes back to slavery (and the mental mindfucks passed down to us generationally through the years). How some black women don't respect black men because they were blatantly and/or subconciously taught not to. How from day one the man she loved 1) could not protect her when his master repeatedly raped his woman 2) was publicly beaten in front of his woman and children (who he had no control over as they could be sold at any moment), 3) was not allowed to show affection for (because his only lot in life was to 'breed' and work for master). 3) As years passed, He could be dragged from his dinner table and hung in front of his home just because someone felt like it. 4) Oh and let's not forget when Reganomics hit and the Welfare system was readjusted incentivizing black women to not marry their men, because by having a husband/man in the house would put you at the risk of loosing benefits (but I don't have the time it would take to break all this shit down right now). 
All of these factors and more forced black women to become 'harder'. Be at peace without a protector, without a male presence, be both. A balancing act while being imbalanced is a hell of a feat but we did it and subconsciously passed these 'do it yourself' mentalities to our daughters. Encouraging them to be resistant and aggressive, while teaching our sons to be passive because their survival depended on it. So with these ideologies ingrained, the moment your average black woman comes across a man whose actions reinforce any negative stereotype that she may have in her mind already, it becomes 10x harder to convince her that it's just that one particular guy and not all brothas. 

9. More than any other group of women, black women need to feel safe. They need to subconsciously be able to entrust their bodies, emotions, and heart with someone who will not fuck them over. Many times black women will stay with black men no matter what the man does. This wears away at the integrity and faith a woman has for many brothers. Most white women will act a plum ass fool and leave her white man if he cheats. It's the end of the world and they will take you down ( Just Ask Tiger's Wife). White women and men are taught to approach relationships differently than Black people were so I can understand why some people might feel more valued in an interracial relationship. It doesn't mean the majority of black people don't love their partners. It's just that as a people, we have a lot of healing to do within our community. In order to heal, Our women need to start making better choices and holding the men we love accountable ( through respectful interactions and honest communication). Our men need to see the value in team, take responsibility for their actions and not operate as 'breeders' with babies scattered about like grains of sand. 

10. Lastly, I don't really like the implications of this video. Whoever made it might have some deep seated issues connected to black women that probably stems from an over bearing, possibly abusive black mother. It may have driven the paternal male away early on. The creator may have also had some negative experiences with being teased or rejected by black girls in their adolescent years thus a very seasoned contempt and generalization of all black women entirely...  and yes, I did just hit y'all with that behavioral analysis and I doubt I'm wrong on that.


  1. I'm here for #6. Sometimes it's just a matter of who you fall in love with nothing more. I can honestly say that I never WANTED to be submissive and patient with anyone until I met my fiance'. He's shown me thru his actions that I'm winning by being submissive and I love every minute of it. #SpoiledByTheBlackMan

    1. EXACTLY. Sometimes people find one another. Sometimes they are the same race, sometimes they are not, but it is not fair to generalize black women who are constantly presented to world as 'un-loveable' anyway.

  2. I love this analysis! I just watched this dumb ass video right before I seen your post. You have wisdom Tunde! Continue to share and educate through social media. #imtunedin #boomshow
